Intelligentsemad lahendused, täpsemad tulemused

The best solution for professionals – the only device that allows you to effectively enhance your expertise and brand impact.

Interchangeable lenses and professionalism

Mitmekülgne lahendus, mis võimaldab analüüsida nahka, juukseid ja peanahka kahe valiku kaudu vahetatavate läätsede abil. 5-megapiksline pildisensor võimaldab nahka suurendada 20 korda ja peanahka umbes 50 korda spetsiaalsete läätsede abil. Professionaalsed rakendused DermoBella Skin ja Hair2EVO töötavad koos, et pakkuda professionaalseid ja teaduslikke tulemusi

Selection of the best applications for professionals

Rakendused on optimeeritud professionaalseks kasutamiseks laborites, kliinikutes ja kosmeetikabrändides. Saate kohandada isikupärastatud programme ning salvestada oma analüüsi tulemused ja ajaloo kliendiandmetesse, et aidata luua sujuvat kliendikommunikatsiooni ja professionaalset kliendikonsultatsiooni. Eelkõige toetab see müügiprotsessi soovitatud toodete ja registreerimisfunktsioonidega ning aitab tugevdada brändi kuvandit.

5 reasons to undergo diagnostics:

  • Professional analysis: The skin diagnostic device ensures precise and reliable analysis of skin condition thanks to leading technologies that help specialists provide the most suitable skincare solutions.

  • Personalized approach: With the ability to customize programs and save analytical information to the client database, this device allows for the creation of individual recommendations and tracking the history of each client's skin condition.

  • Enhancing customer experience: By providing thorough analysis and skincare recommendations, this device helps improve the customer experience, creating more satisfying relationships with clients and increasing their loyalty to your brand.

  • Increasing effectiveness: Professional skin diagnostics allow for a more accurate determination of each client's skin needs, which in turn enables the use of more effective methods and products for skincare.

  • Strengthening brand reputation: Thanks to leading technologies and high-quality skin analysis, this device helps strengthen your brand's reputation as a professional in the skincare field, attracting more clients and increasing their trust in your business.

Give your business a new opportunity!

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